
In order to have complete control over the entire process, we have established our own ginger storage and processing factory. This factory has been operational since the autumn of 2015. The total storage capacity is approximately 3,000 tons in various cold stores. The washing of the ginger is fully automated with a capacity of two tons per hour. Fifty percent of the water consumption is saved through the installation of a water recycling system. All installed equipment is brand new and meets the sustainability requirements. Processed fresh ginger is mainly exported to Europe. This can include full containers going directly to the customer, as well as repackaged products in consumer packaging at pallet level.

Organic Fresh Ginger

NOW selects the finest pieces of ginger for the fresh market. At our own packing station, the roots are washed by a fully automated washing line. This ensures that no soil residues remain between the fingers of the fresh ginger. Each piece of ginger is assessed for size, appearance, and damage to ensure only the highest quality is available for the retail market. Fresh organic ginger is available in packages of 150 gram up to and including 13.6 kilogram.

Organic Ginger Juice (NFC)

Ginger juice is becoming increasingly populair. As an ingredient for a variety of blends, as prominent ingredient for healthy shots or bottled as pure ginger juice for use at home or in the foodservice and catering market. Besides it being used in fermented and probiotic juices as kombucha and kefir, our ginger juice is also present in ginger beer and herbal and botanical drinks. The fresh ginger is processed into juice in a specialized factory in the Netherlands. Our organic ginger juice is then packaged and readily available in different forms:

  • Aseptically packaged in 200 kilogram drums and 20 kilogram bag in box.
  • Cold-pressed juice and frozen at -18 degrees Celsius.
  • Slow-juiced (artisanally produced) juice and frozen at -18 degrees Celsius.
  • Consumer packaging in 200 and 750ml bottles. (for more info: Go-Now
  • Conventional ginger juice is also available.
  • Originates from China and Peru.
Freshly pressed ginger juice

Organic Ginger Puree

Fresh ginger is processed into puree for the food processing industry. In an ultramodern factory in the Netherlands, we process fresh organic ginger into puree in bulk or according to customer specifications. For example, IQF ginger pellets produced in 8-20 gram cubes.

Organic ginger pellets

Organic Ginger Dices

IQF frozen ginger cubes are primarily used in the food processing industry and the out-of-home market/wholesale. They are also increasingly found as an ingredient for frozen fruit in consumer packaging for smoothies in supermarkets. Size and packaging are available upon request. Our producer can standardly produce from 4mm to 10mm.

Organic ginger dices

Organic Ginger Juice Concentrate

The ginger juice concentrate is processed from fresh ginger, originating from Peru, pressed and in addition, concentrated at 40 brix. Ginger juice concentrate offers long shelf life, versatility in applications, and consistent flavor. It’s easy to store and transport, and can be diluted or added to various products without compromising taste or quality. The concentrate is stored at -18°C and available in 20 kilogram jerry cans.

Organic ginger juice concentrate

Organic Cold pressed Ginger Juice

The cold-pressed ginger juice is crafted to retain maximum freshness and flavor, delivering a vibrant and natural taste. This juice captures the full essence of fresh organic ginger without compromising its nutritional benefits. Unlike other methods, our cold-pressing technique ensures that the juice remains unpasteurized, preserving its potent natural enzymes and bioactive compounds. The cold-pressed juice is available in 20 kilogram pails.

Organic Cold Pressed Ginger Juice